
9-11 - belatedly and reluctantly

So many more profound and moving memorials have been posted about that sad day five years ago (see, for example, Matthew's My Blog entry "As Buildings Burn" or Michael Reichmann's photo and comment on Luminous Landscape or a summary of Remembrances at Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam) that I didn't dare add anything. Except... Most people mention that 9-11-01 started as a "day like any other". Actually, no, for me, it didn't. By the time I'd finished my then 25 km commute to work, I already had a troubling, deep-down sense of something malignant and evil being in the air...and arrived in the office, just before 9:00 am, to find a few people gathered around a computer monitor displaying a news item about a plane hitting the World Trade Center... For all who've gone through the passion of losing loved ones or family or friends, or have had to bear the heavy cross of doubt and questioning unbelief...all I can offer is to join my heart to the words of the closing prayer of the Angelus that they "...may be brought, by His Passion and Cross, to the glory of His Resurrection."

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