
The Horn of the Unicorn

... and another WOW experience! What gives? One of these per day?!? Just finished reading The Horn of the Unicorn (A Mosaic of the Life of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre) by David Allen White ... probably not on any politically correct/hierarchically-approved reading list but ... simply fantastic nonetheless.
In the mid 1980s, a French Catholic Archbishop, noted for his adherence to tradition, under sanction, labelled a rebel, making his way through the ruins of the post-Second Vatican Council Church, knelt in prayer and asked God for a sign. What was his responsibility? What should he do? What did God want of him? Had the current path of the Church become so crooked that he must act to keep the direction clear, so the pilgrims of the future could be assured of treading the same road those of the past had trod? A sign; he prayed for a sign. *** In 1986, Pope John Paul II announced that he would bring together at the great Basilica of St Francis in Assisi 130 religious leaders from around the world to pray, each to his own god, for world peace. The event took place on October 27, 1986. *** "I saw a strange church being built against every rule...No angels were supervising the building operations. In that church, nothing came from high above...There was only division and chaos. It is probably a church of human creation, following the latest fashion...I saw all sorts of people, things, doctrines and opinions. There was something proud, presumptuous and violent about it, and they seemed to be very successful. I did not see a single angel or a single saint helping in the work. But far away in the background, I saw the seat of a cruel people armed with spears, and I saw a laughing figure which said: 'Do build it as solid as you can; we will pull it to the ground.'" --Blessed Anne-Catherine Emmerich, 1820
And so the story begins...

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