
Five Years in Iraq - What's the Problem?

From The Huffington Post:

We know the numbers - 1 trillion dollars, 5 years, 775 detainees in Guantanamo, 935 false statements made by the administration, about 4,000 dead Americans, 30-50,000 wounded soldiers, over 100,000 soldiers with treated and untreated PTSD, almost a million dead Iraqis, 2 million internally displaced Iraqis and up to 3 million Iraqi refugees who have left the country.

But apparently this is not a problem...

...unlike the Jesus we remember this Easter, overcoming death to raise our own moral standards and free us from unproductive and selfish lives - the dead Americans and Iraqis are going to stay dead as permanent testaments to our lack of ethics, our economic barrenness, and our supreme selfishness. One thing is for sure - and maybe the mainstream media actually got it right. You can't blame Bush and Cheney, five years later.

-- Karen Kwiatkowski

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